Contribute Materials Research Data

Your research is important. Contribute materials research results and gain benefits.

Increase Citations of Your Research

Increase Citations of Your Research

Contributed datasets and papers will be indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) Data Citation Index

Help Fellow Researchers

Help Fellow Researchers

Your published data helps fellow scientists and engineers with their work

Get the Credit for Your Contribution

Get the Credit for Your Contribution

You’ll be listed as contributor in MATDAT Material reports

Get a Reward From MATDAT

Get a Reward From MATDAT

3 months of FULL access to our Database (PRO plan) for every confirmed dataset

Why Contribute Data?

A huge amount of material data and information is out there: in journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, technical reports, dissertations etc. However, these valuable resources are often unavailable, buried in libraries, in someone´s drawer, or in archives (especially older references which do not exist in digital form).

One of our objectives is to rediscover and uncover this valuable information and make it searchable, comparable and more available to our technical community.

Help us do it! Help us find and share existing, published material data, be it results of your experiments and testing or information that you came across in available published literature sources.

See Where and How You Get Credit

Since 2015 MATDAT Database of Materials Properties has been covered by Data Citation Index - a part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science research platform.

Material datasets which you contribute are included in the MATDAT Materials Database, and both datasets and scientific publications from which they are extracted are indexed in the Data Citation Index (DCI).

This way proper credit and relevant attribution is granted to publication authors as well as the creators of the dataset(s), i.e. MATDAT Contributors.

All MATDAT reports properly and in great detail cite both contributors and authors of materials research data included in the database.

In addition to the source reference from which material data were actually extracted, we go to additional length to also provide the information on previous publication(s) cited in source reference from which material data originates.

Download sample detailed report and see it for yourself (154 Kb, PDF)

How Contributing Works

You don’t have to do the boring part: we will review and extract material information and data from that journal article or report that you have. We only ask for your help in finding, digitizing, and sending the data to us.



in existing, published references or your own



full reference in some convenient digital format (scan it if it’s printed)



via e-mail or through our Material Data Submission Form



become a PRO user and a recognized Contributor

When we receive your submission, we will review it, extract material data, and enter it into our database. We will make sure you get proper credit for your effort. To avoid sending the references which are already included in the database, make sure you check the list of MATDAT references in our Knowledge Base.

For every confirmed and accepted dataset you submit we will award you 3 months of full access to our database (MATDAT PRO user status) and you will be included in the list of our Contributors. In order for the dataset to qualify for inclusion in the database, it needs to have rather complete set of material properties as well as information on testing methodology, conditions and equipment, etc.

So, why not send us that interesting journal paper or the dissertation that you have laying on your desk or your computer right now?

Material Data Submission Form


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We’ll only use your personal data to communicate with you about your contribution.

Your Data Helps the Community

4000+ MATDAT Users Say 'Thank You'

When I was working on my bachelor thesis I needed material data for testing various methods for estimation of Basquin-Coffin-Manson fatigue parameters. MATDAT was very useful for me since it provided me with many suitable data for my research.

Maxim Lutovinov, Ing./ PhD

student at the Czech Technical University in Prague

The MATDAT database is very powerful and combines information of numerous material alloys, their properties and nomenclature in diverse norms, all in one convenient location.

Dominik Maresch, B.Sc.

Master Student at UAS Joanneum, Austria

For my PhD work I needed experimental data on metallic materials. I found some in publications, but it takes a lot of time to understand what the exact material was and what the experimental conditions were. With MATDAT, I immediately found the data I needed, and the information was very clear.

Corado Ningre, PhD Candidate

at the Université Grenoble-Alpes, France


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  • Altair Engineering
  • Clarivate Analytics
  • IHS Markit
  • eFatigue
  • Dynomax